2023 Updates Coming to Kimberly Keiser & Associates 

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Beyond the launch of our MendED online sexual health course, we have a lot of exciting things happening at Kimberly Keiser & Associates in 2023.

Continuing Sex Therapy Education & Best Practices

In 2021 and 2022, we pursued our Sex Plus Symposium, aimed at continuing our therapists’ education and providing the most up-to-date practices in clinical sexual science and healthcare to our patients. We’ll be continuing our knowledge building and community education in 2023 with more sexual health education focused on a trauma-informed approach to sexual dysfunctions. 

We will have monthly two-hour presentations focused on sexual dysfunctions from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR). These will provide our therapists with up-to-date information and best practices, so they can provide the best care possible for their clients. 

We will also provide these as recorded seminars for continuing education (CE) credits for other providers outside of Kimberly Keiser & Associates. Stay tuned for more information on those talks!

Interpersonal Group Psychotherapy

This year, we started our interpersonal psychotherapy groups, which have made a big difference for many of our group members. 

“I’ve seen more people make progress in just one or two group therapy sessions than have taken six months or more of individual therapy,” Kimberly Keiser said. 

The groups allow the participants to talk about challenges and successes within relationships, gather honest feedback in a safe setting, and grow in ways beyond what they can do in individual therapy. 

The current group therapy offerings include:

  • Interpersonal Group Psychotherapy — focused on improving interpersonal dynamics and relationships and helping individuals develop the ability to hear, connect with and trust others.

If you’re interested in any of these groups, contact us.

Website Changes

Over the next few months, we’ll be making some updates and changes to our website to incorporate easy links to the growing educational resources and services offerings.

Our goal is to provide a seamless client experience as they navigate the growing number of options to improve sexual and relational sexual functioning. Stay tuned for more updates and information about these changes in our monthly newsletter. Not already a subscriber? Sign up now


Sex Education & Sex Therapy: Support for Sexual Functioning


Improve Sexual Satisfaction with MendEd