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Out of Control Sexual Behavior (OCSB) Group Therapy

The goal of treatment for out-of-control sexual behavior (OCSB) is for group members to work towards meeting the goals of their sexual health plan as they define it.

Each member of our OCSB group also participates in individual therapy with an OCSB therapist at Kimberly Keiser & Associates, or a therapist of their choice, throughout the duration of group participation. Individual therapy provides the opportunity to target specific individual factors while group psychotherapy provides the here-and-now experience of being in a relationship with other group members.

Individuals who have sexual behaviors that are out of control usually have constructed highly secretive parts of their lives. Joining with an individual therapist to engage in disclosure and process the nature of their sexual behavior is a foundational first step. Individuals participating in OCSB groups are encouraged to bring disclosures in individual therapy to group therapy to further learn how to integrate all aspects of their sexual behavior to further bolster their sexual health plan.

The process of integration greatly reduces the shame that plagues individuals with OCBS. Gaining support from others disclosing their own sexual experiences while working through healing is highly transformative. 

Group Therapists: Kimberly Keiser

Group Participants: Males and females over 18 years of age

Group Format: This will be a closed group consisting of 8-10 group members who commit to enrollment for no shorter than six months. New members will be added to the group on a rolling basis as current members transition out. Contact us for more information.

Meeting Time: Wednesdays from 5 pm-6 pm

Cost: $45 per group session

Location: 2101 W 69th St, Suite 103, Sioux Falls, SD 57108

The main goals of an OCSB group are to support the maintenance of an individual’s sexual health plan, increase an individual’s emotional and attachment regulation, and support an individual’s sex-positive identity.

The OCSB group is a psychotherapy process group in which individuals discuss aspects of the main individual goals in an interpersonal setting. Therapeutic factors and integrity with individual goals and the group agreements are inherent in the treatment plan of group psychotherapy as individuals with OCSB typically have difficulty keeping agreements and operating under the premise of integrity to their commitments to self and others.

Lapses in adherence to group agreements, and how those impact interpersonal relationships become one of the core focuses of OCSB treatment and the development of sexual health.

For a full list of factors contributing to a positive outcome in group therapy, visit our group therapy page.


2101 W 69th St, Suite 103
Sioux Falls, SD 57108
(605) 274-0095
(888) 201-2128