Coping with Anxiety About the COVID-19 Vaccine

There has been a lot of uncertainty and change within the last year due to the pandemic. With the vaccine becoming available, many have experienced increased anxiety or stress due to vaccine concerns.

If you have found yourself dealing with anxiety related to the vaccine, you are not alone. 

Questioning side effects, long-term effectiveness, or worrying about accessibility are common thoughts when it comes to the vaccine. Maybe you have questioned if you should even get one, or you’re anxious that you won't be able to receive one as soon as you'd like. There might be guilt about receiving one over others in need, or anger towards those who do or don't choose to get vaccinated.

Anxiety and stress can increase when things feel uncertain or out of control. It is important to remember that these feelings are valid and normal to experience.

Identifying what you are experiencing and accepting the emotional response can help reduce present distress. Identification and acceptance allow for increased control, enabling the individual to recognize instead of react. 

Once we have become aware of what we are experiencing or being triggered by, we can then implement appropriate coping skills and self care activities – further aiding in the reduction of anxiousness and stress. 

Tips to Manage Vaccine Anxiety

Here are a few tips to help manage anxiety regarding the COVID-19 vaccine.

  1. Educate yourself on facts related to the vaccine and questions you might have. 

    • Be mindful of the source you are obtaining information from. 

    • Utilize the CDC website to receive up-to-date information regarding COVID-19 and vaccines. 

    • Reach out to a local medical physician to ask specific questions about your health and implications.

  2. Implement coping skills and self care regularly.

    • Use mindfulness techniques to reduce stress and anxiety and help regulate your emotions. It can increase your focus, letting you better identify your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

    • Limit social media exposure. By limiting social media, we are controlling what information we are taking in. This can decrease the feeling of being overwhelmed or emotionally triggered, and also increase focus and productivity.

    • Incorporate exercise. Exercise benefits both our physical and mental health. It can aid in decreasing stress, increasing focus while helping to manage anxious and depressive features.

  3. Lead with empathy. 

    • Differing perceptions of the vaccine might be present within intimate relationships, family, co-workers or friends. This can create internal and external conflict, causing anxiety. Allowing yourself to emphasize with others not only increases understanding but also increases your own emotional awareness. Leading with empathy promotes respect and connection, giving opportunity to reduce tensions.

Get Help Managing Your Anxiety

If you are curious about exploring parts of you that have been triggered by vaccine concerns or you are experiencing increased anxiety and other symptoms you are finding difficult to manage on your own, please contact us to receive the help you need.


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